Monday, April 21, 2008

Book 10: Starship Troopers by Robert Heinlein

Johnny Rico decides to join the MI (Mobile Infantry) after high school. in his time, the only way to get franchise is to serve a term of at least 2 years in the armed forces. The book tells teh story of his joining up and the subsequent adventures he has as a trooper. A lot of the book is philosophical in nature. Why is violence necessary? Who should have the right to vote? Those kind of discussions fill the book.

My Thoughts:
Much better than the movie. The movie is good in its own right as a cheesy popcorn flick, but the book has some serious meat to it. Not as fun, but it makes you think a little. Heinlein has some interesting commentary especially about China and the 20th century that looks pretty prophetic given that it was written in 1959.

This section is stupid. Go read the Wikipedia page.

Starship Troopers at Wikipedia
Review at

Book 9: Twilight by Stephenie Meyer

Bella, a high school student, moves from her mother's in Phoenix to live with her father in dreary Forks, Washington. There she tries to fit in and eventually falls for a vampire named Edward Cullen, who along with his "family" are posing as other students. The beginning of the book is all about Bella fitting in and learning the Cullens' secret. After they have become a couple, Bella learns more about Edward's history and his chosen lifestyle. During a family baseball game, another trio of vampires comes in and one of them takes it as a personal challenge to hunt and kill Bella. It is up to Edward and his family to make sure she is protected.

My Thoughts:
A pretty awesome book as anyone can tell by it's chart topping sales. Definitely aimed at teenage girls, but I enjoyed the vampire/werewolf aspect as well as the family loyalty that the Cullens show.

Soon to be a major motion picture!!!
This is the first in at least a 4 book series.

Twilight at Wikipedia
Reviews at