Wednesday, June 25, 2008

Book 13: 'salem's Lot by Stephen King


Book 12: Night Wars by Graham Masterton

Very entertaining. I read this at the beach and it flew by.

Book 11: The Elric Saga Part 1 by Michael Moorcock

Summary: This actually consists of 3 books: Elric of Melnibone, The Sailor on the Seas of Fate, and The Weird of the White Wolf. It's the story of Elric, an albino sorceror-emperor, and his life. It starts ot with him as the emperor of a disintegrating nation that is well past its glory days. He is different than most of his kind - more intellectual and introspective. This leads him into confrontation with his cousin Yrkoon, who is next in line for the throne.

My Thoughts: Elric is a very well known character in the fantasy genre. The stories were interesting, but a little too smart for me. I prefer things to be more straight forward and not so thoughtful. Elric spends a lot of time thinking or pondering his feelings, which I guess makes him a well rounded character, but it was just annoying. All the brooding got old. It started to feel very drug-trippy, hippy like which is not all that enjoyable foe me.

Elric at Wikipedia
Comments at LibraryThing