Monday, April 20, 2009

Book 39: The Inhuman Condition by Clive Barker

This one is a collection of short stories. A couple were good like The Inhuman Condition and The Body Politic. Both of those had interesting main plot points. The first had a string of knots that when unraveled unleashed a problem. The second was all about people's hands rebelling against their bodies. However the last couple of stories in the book pretty much were perfect examples of my problems with Clive Barker's writing. He's too literary. Down, Satan! was very short which was good, but he's commenting on man and our ability to be evil and it's just too deep for my shallow mind. The same with the last story, The Age of Desire. It's all about a man who is experimented on and the drug he takes amps up his sexual desire beyond belief. Sort of an interesting hook, but there's a little too much introspection and thinking about it. I'm more of a Blockbuster kind of guy. Just show me what happens and hit the action points quickly. Philosophical I ain't.

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